To report any facts or conduct that may qualify as a crime

GCW Latam has implemented an additional means of communication, called the Whistleblower Channel, which has been made available to all workers, advisors, contractors, suppliers and third parties related to the Company, so that they can report facts or behaviors that can be qualified as crimes under Law No. 20,393 on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities, violations of free competition or any other irregular situation, fraud or conduct that deviates from the values and principles set forth in the GCW Latam Code of Ethics.

When you make the report, the system will give you the option to define an access password and will give you a Code. It is essential that you remember or write down both data, so that later, in this same site, you can consult on the status of your report and/or contribute with more background information.

We appreciate your commitment and cooperation to make our Company a better organization every day.

What we offer?

Intelligent and specialized system for managing the control of strategic and operational risks


Don Carlos 2939, oficina 208, Las Condes. Santiago de Chile.

+56 9 3236 1904
+56 9 3234 6665