To report any facts or conduct that may qualify as a crime
GCW Latam has implemented an additional means of communication, called the Whistleblower Channel, which has been made available to all workers, advisors, contractors, suppliers and third parties related to the Company, so that they can report facts or behaviors that can be qualified as crimes under Law No. 20,393 on Criminal Liability of Legal Entities, violations of free competition or any other irregular situation, fraud or conduct that deviates from the values and principles set forth in the GCW Latam Code of Ethics.
When you make the report, the system will give you the option to define an access password and will give you a Code. It is essential that you remember or write down both data, so that later, in this same site, you can consult on the status of your report and/or contribute with more background information.
We appreciate your commitment and cooperation to make our Company a better organization every day.
Entering and using the GCW Latam Complaints Platform, is subject to the terms and conditions specified below.
Please read the following terms and conditions carefully, as the use of this complaints platform implies the acceptance of all these terms.
Use of the Content in GCW Latam Complaints Platform
All the information, such as corporate images and logos, texts, images and digital files, in any presentation and other related documents, hereinafter the “Content”, which is part of the Complaints Platform, is fully owned by GCW Latam and protected by all copyright and intellectual property laws in Chile. This Content may only be used with the purpose of filing complaints related to the company in this complaints platform. It is forbidden to edit, reproduce, publish, send, transmit or distribute such Content in any printed or digital media, or use it for any other purpose different from the one stated in these terms and conditions, without the written authorization of the legally responsible person designated by GCW Latam. The Content of the Complaints Platform may be printed only with the purpose of using it as a written support of any complaint received by the GCW Latam companies. The files in the Complaints Platform server may not be linked without the written authorization of GCW Latam.
Disclaimer of Warranty
All the information or data contained in GCW Latam's server, hereinafter the “Information”, is provided in the same way presented in the complaints platform, with no warranties whatsoever. GCW Latam, and in general all its organization, shall be not responsible for the damages to your server, data, information, contents and business resulting from the Information or loss of the Information contained in GCW Latam's Complaints Platform. GCW Latam, and in general all its organization, shall not be responsible for: any loss or damage caused, either to all or part of the information, by its actions, omissions or negligence, or by circumstances beyond its control, in obtaining, compiling or providing the Information contained in the complaints platform; any error, omission or inaccuracy in the Information, regardless of the cause, any delays or interruptions in the delivery of the Information; or any decision or action taken or not taken based on the Information delivered by the complaints platform. GCW Latam and its organization do not warrant or are liable for the content, sequence, accuracy, punctuality or integrity of the Information contained in the complaints platform. GCW Latam and its organization do not warrant that the Information contained in the complaints platform will be uninterrupted or free of errors, or that any defect will be corrected.
Limitation of Liability of GCW Latam
In no event shall GCW Latam or its organization be liable for any loss or damage of any kind as a result of the use or misuse of the Information or the actions of internal or external personnel to GCW Latam that affect the cyber security of the complaints platform, or the misuse of the Internet in general in any of its forms.
GCW Latam is a joint-stock company with limited liability, incorporated in Chile. Its business address is Don Carlos No. 2939, Office 208, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile.
What we offer?
Intelligent and specialized system for managing the control of strategic and operational risks